Fortune is a town located near the southeastern boundary of Fortune Bay. The town gets its name from the Portuguese word 'fortuna', which means 'harbour of good fortune.' The town's main industry is ocean fishery, and it is the nearest Canadian port to St. Pierre and Miquelon. Our town has a rich history and cultural heritage, and we take pride in our vibrant community. At the Town of Fortune, we are committed to sustainable growth and development that benefits our town and its residents. We strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone who visits or lives here.

The Flag shall be of the proportions of two by width and three by length and shall be described as: Azure between a cross Argent charged with a fish naiant Azure, four bezants.
All Citizens and others are hereby requested to take notice and recognize this our official flag. Let them render it all due respect and follow all regulations and observances governing the use of flags.
The town flag was unveiled at a special ceremony which was attended by many invited guests, including past Mayor, E.W. Riggs.

The shield bearing the cross alludes to the early church and echoes the heraldic divisions of the provincial arms.
The bezants, or gold coins, and the fish represent the local fishing industry and the fortunes of its bounty.
The crown of the crest symbolizes a masoned town wall as used in the European tradition for the civic authorities. Its turrets take the form of maple leaves and pitcher plants, a botanical allusion to the location of the town in the Canadian province of Newfoundland.
The caribou commemorates those who lost their lives in the battle of Beaumont-Hamel.
The male supporter reinforces the importance of the fisheries and the female, the goddess Fortuna, a visual reference to the name of the town. The use of both genders reflects this community's commitment to equal opportunity.
The compartment alludes to land and sea and the motto, Progressa Fortuna (Progress Fortune), reflects the optimism of the citizens.

The Badge is described as: On an escutcheon Azure between a cross Argent charged with a fish naiant Azure, four bezants. Below the escutcheon on an escroll Argent the name "Fortune."
This Badge shall be displayed by all officials, departments and beyond at the discretion of the Council in recognition of the civic authority vested in them.

Illustration by Jean Miélot to Christine de Pizan's Epitre d'Othéa; Les Sept Sacrements de l'Eglise, c. 1455 at Waddesdon Manor
Source: Wikipedia
n Roman mythology, the Goddess Fortuna was the daughter of Jupiter. She was the goddess of fate, chance, or luck. Her symbol was usually the wheel, indicating that simply turning the wheel could change a person's luck or fortune. The ancient Romans believed in her power to change their lives in this way.
During the Middle Ages, she was known as Dame Fortuna who would spin her wheel to decide who would have good luck and who would suffer misfortune. A deeper study connects Fortuna to the gods and goddesses of fertility and prosperity in Babylon.
One source describes Fortuna as a being of ‘awe-inspiring appearance with keen eyes.' She appeared to be ancient, almost ageless, yet vigorous. Sometimes she was seen in human size while other times she was so high that ‘she was lost to human sight.' She was said to wear a fair garment, dusty with neglect, and tattered by the hands of thieves who took any piece they could carry off - probably as good luck charms.
Fortuna was also the ancestor of Lady Luck. Those who worshipped her always asked for good luck and a full, rich life. Her worshippers believed she had the power to control the destiny of the world. One of the most popular goddesses, she was sometimes called ‘Primigenia' - or firstborn (of Jupiter).
A golden statuette of Fortuna was always kept in the sleeping quarters of Roman Emperors. She was a favourite with artists and statues of her were seen everywhere. Her image is seen in paintings and mosaics; engraved on gems; and stamped on coins.
The cult of Fortuna is thought to have been introduced by Servius Tullius (578-535 BC), the sixth king of Rome. Her worship started early and was widespread. People prayed to her for good luck for many different things - from safe return of a vessel to success in finding a husband. Whenever people were about to undertake a risky or uncertain venture, they prayed to Fortuna for success.
Some legends say she favoured the political career of Tullius, who was rumoured to be either her son or her lover. He built and dedicated a temple to her, located between the Forum Boarium and the Forum Romanum. It burned in 312 BC but was restored the following year.
Fortuna's temple (at Palestrina) is described as one of the most imposing temples of antiquity. Decorated with fountains and monuments, it was spread out over huge hillside terraces. A series of ramps and staircases led to the cult center at the top where her shrine was located. It was one of only two temples where priestesses had full reign in Roman times. Her temple across the Tiber from the city was one of the few that slaves could enter.
One of her temples was called Felicitas, which means ‘good fortune' or ‘good luck', while another stood on the Mars field at Rome. Her sanctuary, the Fortuna Populi Romani, stood on the Quirnal, one of the Seven Hills of Rome. Fortuna also had oracular shrines at Antrium (now Angio) and Praeneste (now Palestrina). Oracles are ancient places where gods and goddesses answered questions and foretold the future. The Emperor Trajan (98-117 AD) founded a special temple in her honour as the all-pervading power of the world. An annual offering was made to her there on New Year's Day.
June 24th (midsummer's day) was her sacred festival day. It was a lively affair, especially marked by florists and other tradespeople who brought their vegetables and flowers to market. However, it was also widely celebrated by other people, some of whom arrived in flower- decorated boats. Solemn prayers were offered in her honour. There was feasting and drinking as well as performing rituals so that she might favour the petitioners.
Fires were lit on the night before the festival. Fortuna was thought to be able to go into the Land of the Dead, together with Pamona, and bring recently departed relatives back from the spirit world to join with their living families for the Festival of Fortuna.